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On my way to Oahu to join the rock musician and high school drop-out I had married in Tijuana, I was nabbed by the police as a runaway.  When the police let me go and the rock band broke up, my husband and I had to find another way to survive.  Our next stop: Disney World where we trained to be chefs.  After my husband earned his GED we went to college and eventually completed Ph.D.s from the University of Michigan.  As luck would have it, we found professor jobs with U of M’s longstanding football rival, The Ohio State University.  Go blue! Go bucks!


Retired now from my role as a professor, I’ve picked up a long-standing interest in writing fiction.  At the university, I wrote and published widely as a scholar.  I also carried out hundreds of training, consulting and speaking engagements on gloriously nerdy topics.


So what on earth does a research scientist have in common with a mystery writer?  As avid fans of the mystery genre will tell you at the core of any good mystery is a passionate search for the truth. Discovering the truth involves finding and assembling pieces of complex puzzles in order to solve seemingly intractable problems.  Scientist and sleuth are cut from the same cloth!


Still married to the same sweet guy, I live with my husband in one of the seven desert resort cities in the Palm Springs area.  As my heroine, Jessica Huntington will tell you, the Sonoran Desert is a beautiful setting in which to ponder life’s mysteries while enjoying the bountiful delights of the resort communities.

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Life’s an extravaganza! You can never tell what’s coming next. Figuring out how to hang tough and make the most of the wild ride is our greatest challenge and always an adventure.


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