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Snooping into life's mysteries with fun, fiction, & food--California style!
Anna Celeste Burke
Join date: Jun 2, 2022
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Reverse engineering with existing CAD files and have AutoCAD automatically add the dimensions from the original files to the drawing you are editing. Use standard or an extended Zones to find the dimensions, then display the Zones on your drawing.Other changes include support for 3D surface modeling, and content filtering for the command line.Press release: AutoCAD 2023(“AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc.”)Download: Release NotesQ:why does this return the index of the element in the result set?how can i avoid this behavior? List personList = new List(); Person person1 = new Person(); person1.FirstName = "first"; person1.LastName = "last"; Person person2 = new Person(); person2.FirstName = "first"; person2.LastName = "last"; Person person3 = new Person(); person3.FirstName = "first"; person3.LastName = "last"; personList.Add(person1); personList.Add(person2); personList.Add(person3); var result = personList.FindIndex(x => x.FirstName == "first");so when i run the above code, it returns 2 for result. i would expect it to return 0 because x => x.FirstName == "first" is false for person2.A:Because the index where the predicate is true isn't chosen until after the collection is enumerated, and the initial enumeration traverses the list and chooses the first element that satisfies the condition.You can use a predicate with different values for initial and next:Person person1 = new Person();person1.FirstName = "first";person1.LastName = "last";Person person2 = new Person();person2.FirstName = "first";person2.LastName = "last";Person person3 = new Person();person3.FirstName = "first";person3.LastName = "last";person 2be273e24d
AutoCAD For Windows [Updated-2022]
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